Friday, November 27, 2015

18th Century Timeline (1776-1800)

1776: Common Sense published
    Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire published
    Wealth of Nations published
    Virginia Declarations of Rights
    Declaration of Independence
    Battle of Long Island
    Battle of Harlem Heights
    Battle of Valcour Bay
    The American Crisis published
    The Battle of Trenton

1777: Battle of Saratoga
    Valley Forge

1778: Battle of Monmouth

1779: James Cook dies in Hawaii

1780: Gordon Riots
    Battle of Camden
    Arnold's treason
    Battle of King's Mountain
    The Great Hurricane kills 22,000

1781: Battle of Cowpens
    Articles of Confederation
    Battle of Yorktown

1783: Peace of Paris

1786: Shay's Rebellion

1787: Northwest Ordinance
    Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
    Federalist Papers published

1789: Sieyes' publishes What is the Third Estate?
    Constitution goes into effect
    Washington Inauguated first President of the United States
    Tennis Court Oath (France)
    Bastille Stormed
    Declaration of the Righs of Man and of the Citizen

1792: Louis XVI arrested
    September massacres (France)
    Battle of Valmy
    Washington re-elected

1793: Louis XVI executed
    Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality
    Marat murdered
    Reign of Terror begins
    Marie Antoinette executed

1794: Cotton Gin
    Danton executed
    Whiskey Rebellion

1796: John Adams elected president
    Catherine the Great dies
    Battle of Lodi

1797: Battle of Campo Formio
    XYZ Affair
    Battle of the Pyramids
    Battle of the Nile

1798: Quasi War
    Alien and Sedition Acts

1799: Napoleon's coup
    Washington dies

1800: Quasi War ends
    Treaty of Mortefontaine
    Election of 1800 in U.S. goes to the House of Representatives
    Battle of Marengo
    Act of Union (Britain)

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