Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Quotes of the Month: September 2013

Quote of the Month: "I'll tell you the difference with Green Eggs and Ham is when Americans tried it, they discovered they did not like green eggs and ham and they did not like Obamacare either. They did not like Obamacare in a box with a fox, in a house or with a mouse."

-Senator Ted Cruz

Stupid Quote of the Month: “She is older than her chronological age” she was ”as much in control of the situation.”

-Judge G. Todd Baugh on a 14-year-old rape victim

And the Rest…

"I would think the mayor of a city that recently experienced a deadly bombing attack would be more sensitive and not use the phrase 'blow up.'"

-Mayor Bing about the Mayor of Boston's comments about Detroit

"Some people could find a flaw in Bo Derek,”

-Jim Leyland on Max Scherzer’s idiotic critics

"And as RKK would say, if you're a turd, it's going to come back to you."

-Tom Brady on Johnny Manziel

"Let Allah sort it out."

-Sarah Palin on Syria

"Kerry can be forgiven for being at odds with the president. The president, in the space of his 16-minute address, was often at odds with himself... Nuance can sound a lot like a muddle."

-Dana Milbank

"This has been one of the most humiliating episodes in presidential history.”

-Anonymous Democratic Strategist on Obama’s Syria policy.

"If you don't comply, it is treason."

-Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer

“They see it as an act of provocative weakness on America's part.”

-Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham on Obama’s Syria deal

"It is extremely unrealistic, to presume that the peaceful nature of the nuclear program of Iran could be ensured through impeding the program via illegitimate pressures.”

-Iranian President Hassan Rowhani

“It’s on the president’s head, he’s got to lead, he’s got to talk.”

-Bob Woodward on the debt ceiling and failure of the CR

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