Friday, May 10, 2013

Geordi La Forge timeline

Born: 2335 (born blind)

2340: Trapped alone in burning building

2340: Received first VISOR

2353-7: Starfleet Academy

2357: Assigned to USS Victory

2361: Assigned to USS Hood.

2362: Tarchannen III investigation

2364: Named Conn officer aboard USS Enterprise-D

2365: Promoted to full lieutenant and made chief engineer

2365: Taken hostage by Pakled

2365: Used hologram of Dr. Leah Brahms to help ship escape booby trap

2365: Trapped with a Romulan on a rock in space

2366: Promoted to Lt. Commander

2367: Returned to Tarchannen III and transformed into a resident alien. He is later saved by Dr. Crusher.

2367: Programmed to assassinate Klingon Governor Vagh by Romulans. He is stopped by Data.

2368: Rescues and befriends Borg drone, Hugh

2369: Teleported to 19th century to save Data

2370: Met Montgomery Scott

2370: Mother dies

2370: Kidnapped and experimented on by silicon lifeforms

2371: Kidnapped and tortured by Dr. Tolian Soran

2372: Transferred to Enterprise-E as chief engineer

2373: Borg attack; Enterprise sent to 2063. LaForge helps first warp flight.

2375: Battle of Bassen Rift vs. Son’a

2379: Data dies

2379: Declines first officer position on USS Titan

2381: Promoted to commander

2381: Borg invasion

2384: Promoted to Captain, but stays commander temporarily to remain chief engineer

2384: Data returns

2387: Designed the Jellyfish ship Ambassador Spock used to stop Supernova from destroying the galaxy

2390: Captain of USS Challenger

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