Sunday, May 13, 2012

Star Trek Timeline: 23rd Century part II

2251: Enterprise refit; Christopher Pike assumes command

2254: Captain Garth wins the Battle of Axanar, a key moment in history

2257: Enterprise under Captain Pike begins third 5-year mission

2258: Enterprise travels to Talos IV

2261: Enterprise ends third 5-year mission (2nd under Captain Pike)

2264: Tuvok is born

2265: The Borg destroy the El-Aurian homeworld

2265: Kirk takes command of Enterprise from Pike

2265: Enterprise reaches edge of Galaxy; encounters the Great Barrier

2266: Enterprise refit

2266: Kodos the Executioner is found alive, but is accidentally killed by his daughter

2266: Redjac trapped by USS Enterprise and beamed into space

2266: Romulans reappear after a century of isolation. They attack and destroy several listening outposts before being destroyed by the Enterprise.

2267: SS Botany Bay discovered adrift in space with Khan Noonien Singh alive and well

2267: Treaty of Organia

2267: Christopher Pike is severely injured and taken to Talos IV by Spock to live out his life free of physical constraints

2267: Neural parasites nearly destroy Deneva

2267: Zefram Cochrane discovered alive and well

2267: Doomsday machine destroyed by James T Kirk

2267: Mirror Universe discovered due to transporter accident

2268: Klingon-Romulan alliance leads to the sharing of cloaking technology

2268: Ceti Alpha VI explodes

2268: Babel Conference

2269: Omega Molecule discovered

2270: Enterprise ends its five year mission

2270: James T Kirk promoted to admiral, Spock and McCoy retire from Starfleet

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