Continuing the Adventures of Captain America in the 1960s...
Tales of Suspense #72-74: Cap battles the Sleepers. In 1945, the Red Skull programmed three robots to return in 1965 to destroy the world. Cap defeats them. One of the sleepers was a flying wing...kudos to Stan Lee for predicting the stealth bomber.
#75-76: Cap teams with the mercenary Batroc to stop the city from exploding. The pair are caught in an espionage battle between SHIELD and THEM. Cap saves the city in the end and Batroc runs away. Meanwhile, Cap meets a girl reminding him of someone in his past.
#77: Cap backstory about a lost love
#78: Cap and Nick Fury battle THEM
#79-81: The Red Skull emerges from 20 years of hiding and captures the Cosmic Cube. He had allied himself with THEM and bided his time. After capturing the cube, he became invincible (think Emperor Joker-lite). Cap uses the Skull's own vanity against him and manages to negate the cube. The Skull falls into the ocean and supposedly drowns...
Tales of Suspense #72-74: Cap battles the Sleepers. In 1945, the Red Skull programmed three robots to return in 1965 to destroy the world. Cap defeats them. One of the sleepers was a flying wing...kudos to Stan Lee for predicting the stealth bomber.
#75-76: Cap teams with the mercenary Batroc to stop the city from exploding. The pair are caught in an espionage battle between SHIELD and THEM. Cap saves the city in the end and Batroc runs away. Meanwhile, Cap meets a girl reminding him of someone in his past.
#77: Cap backstory about a lost love
#78: Cap and Nick Fury battle THEM
#79-81: The Red Skull emerges from 20 years of hiding and captures the Cosmic Cube. He had allied himself with THEM and bided his time. After capturing the cube, he became invincible (think Emperor Joker-lite). Cap uses the Skull's own vanity against him and manages to negate the cube. The Skull falls into the ocean and supposedly drowns...
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