Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quotes of the Month: July 2011

Quote of the Month:

“Daniel Craig’s my Wookie bitch now!”

-Harrison Ford to Chewbacca

Dumb Quote of the Month:

“FDR comes in, he tries all these things with the New Deal; but FDR, contrary to myth, was pretty fiscally conservative.”

-Barack Obama

Best on-air exchange:

“Do you have a degree in economics?”

-Contessa Brewer to Congressman Mo Brooks

“Yes mam, I do. Highest honors.”

-Mo Brooks to Contessa Brewer

Best Slam:

"So was Nicole Brown when your dad got OJ off.”

@HaHaWhitePPL (on Twitter responding to Kim Kardashian’s tweet “Casey Anthony not guilty! I’m Speechless.”)

And the rest…
“No Balls. No Justice.”

- A sign protesting the Anthony verdict

"Well, I'll be back in about 16 years."

-Al Michaels

"Money is cool and all but I'm only 23, I have a lot of time to make that."

-Christian Lopez after catching Derek Jeter’s 3000th hit

"As far as I'm concerned, Betty Ford saved my life."

-Stevie Nicks

“It’s hard to know whether these pundits understand how stupid and childish their rants are, or whether they’re so blinded by their ideology they don’t understand it’s not really appropriate to refer to people with whom you disagree on taxes as Wahhabis, suicide bombers and members of a death cult.”

-Peter Wehner on partisans comparing Republicans to terrorists

“We don’t pay him to run. We pay him to trot.”

-Jim Leyland on Miguel Cabrera

“Stats are for losers and rings are for champions.”

-Darren McCarty

“This would be easier if I could do this on my own.”

-Barack Obama wishing he were dictator?

“This is the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell into GOP Senate nominees. The reality is that the debt limit will be raised one way or another, and the only issue now is with how much fiscal reform and what political fallout.”

-John McCain

“National League pitchers are stupid.”

-Mitch Williams on why they pitch to Ryan Howard

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