Smile Time (2004): Angel is turned into a puppet while investigating an evil children’s show. The fight between Puppet Angel and Spike is classic.
You’re Welcome (2004): Cordelia awakens from her coma to put Angel back on the right path. Even though she interacted with the gang, it turns out she never awoken from her coma and died in her hospital bed.
Hero (1999): Angel and Doyle battle The Scourge, a Nazi-like Demon Supremacist group hell-bent on persecuting those that are not “pure demon.” At the end, Doyle gives up his life saving innocents. The episode ends with Cordy watching Doyle on a videotape. Before fading to black, he asks “...Is that it? Am I done?" This might be the only show in history to kill a major character less than 10 episodes into its run.
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been? (2000): Angel recalls his experiences in the Hyperion Hotel in the fifties. In 1952, Angel worked to eliminate a demon feeding on the guests. However, he gets caught up in the paranoia of the McCarthy-Era and the hotel turns on him. He is lynched, but being already dead, escapes the noose. A bitter Angel tells the demon to “Take them all” and leaves.
City Of (1999): Angel sets out on his path to redemption sans Buffy and the Scooby Gang. However, working alone is costing his “humanity.” He ends up meeting and teaming up with Doyle, who receives visions from the Powers That Be. Cordelia Chase also turns up in LA. After an encounter with Wolfram and Hart, the three open a Private Investigators office. The episode included one of the best death scenes in TV history when Angel tosses Russell Winters (vampire) out a high rise window.
Reunion (2000): Angel races to find Darla before she awakens a vampire after being re-sired by Drusilla. He fails and the girls wreck havoc upon L.A. Angel tracks the pair to a Wolfram and Hart party where he refuses to intervene allowing the vampires to feed on the partygoers.
Underneath (2004): Angel, Spike, and Gunn travel to a Hell dimension to rescue Lindsey. In the dimension, Lindsey is forced to live the so-called “American Dream” with the house and family in the suburbs. At the end of each day, Lindsey has his heart ripped out. (Quite a commentary on modern life).The gang rescues Lindsey, but Gunn is forced to stay behind and take Lindsey’s place.
Spin the Bottle (2002): Lorne tries to restore Cordelia’s memory with a spell. Instead, the gang is reverted back to their teenage personas. Wesley is once again “Head Boy” at the Watcher’s Academy. Cordelia reverts to the most popular girl at Sunnydale High. Gunn is a rebel. Fred is an insecure pothead. Angel is an 18th century Irish teen named Liam. Gunn and Wesley argue over strategy, Angel and Connor fight it out while complaining about fathers, and Fred spends the episode trying to score weed. In the end, Lorne restores everyone’s memories resulting in bittersweet feelings.
Sleep Tight (2002): Wesley believes Angel will kill his infant son, so he kidnaps him. He is attacked outside his car and has hit throat cut. Angel’s old and resurrected enemy, Holtz manages to get his hands on the baby, but not before he is cornered by Angel and Wolfram and Hart. A porter is opened and Holtz leaps with the baby into a Hell dimension.
Life of the Party (2003): Lorne throws a Halloween party at Wolfram and Hart. As usual in the Buffyverse, weird things happen on Halloween. In this case, people unwittingly are forced to literally follow Lorne’s advice. He tells Fred and Wesley to loosen up, so they got drunk. Gunn stakes out his territory by peeing. Angel and Eve have sex. Spike and Harmony get down on the dance floor. Eventually, everything is righted and the employees claim they enjoyed the party.
You’re Welcome (2004): Cordelia awakens from her coma to put Angel back on the right path. Even though she interacted with the gang, it turns out she never awoken from her coma and died in her hospital bed.
Hero (1999): Angel and Doyle battle The Scourge, a Nazi-like Demon Supremacist group hell-bent on persecuting those that are not “pure demon.” At the end, Doyle gives up his life saving innocents. The episode ends with Cordy watching Doyle on a videotape. Before fading to black, he asks “...Is that it? Am I done?" This might be the only show in history to kill a major character less than 10 episodes into its run.
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been? (2000): Angel recalls his experiences in the Hyperion Hotel in the fifties. In 1952, Angel worked to eliminate a demon feeding on the guests. However, he gets caught up in the paranoia of the McCarthy-Era and the hotel turns on him. He is lynched, but being already dead, escapes the noose. A bitter Angel tells the demon to “Take them all” and leaves.
City Of (1999): Angel sets out on his path to redemption sans Buffy and the Scooby Gang. However, working alone is costing his “humanity.” He ends up meeting and teaming up with Doyle, who receives visions from the Powers That Be. Cordelia Chase also turns up in LA. After an encounter with Wolfram and Hart, the three open a Private Investigators office. The episode included one of the best death scenes in TV history when Angel tosses Russell Winters (vampire) out a high rise window.
Reunion (2000): Angel races to find Darla before she awakens a vampire after being re-sired by Drusilla. He fails and the girls wreck havoc upon L.A. Angel tracks the pair to a Wolfram and Hart party where he refuses to intervene allowing the vampires to feed on the partygoers.
Underneath (2004): Angel, Spike, and Gunn travel to a Hell dimension to rescue Lindsey. In the dimension, Lindsey is forced to live the so-called “American Dream” with the house and family in the suburbs. At the end of each day, Lindsey has his heart ripped out. (Quite a commentary on modern life).The gang rescues Lindsey, but Gunn is forced to stay behind and take Lindsey’s place.
Spin the Bottle (2002): Lorne tries to restore Cordelia’s memory with a spell. Instead, the gang is reverted back to their teenage personas. Wesley is once again “Head Boy” at the Watcher’s Academy. Cordelia reverts to the most popular girl at Sunnydale High. Gunn is a rebel. Fred is an insecure pothead. Angel is an 18th century Irish teen named Liam. Gunn and Wesley argue over strategy, Angel and Connor fight it out while complaining about fathers, and Fred spends the episode trying to score weed. In the end, Lorne restores everyone’s memories resulting in bittersweet feelings.
Sleep Tight (2002): Wesley believes Angel will kill his infant son, so he kidnaps him. He is attacked outside his car and has hit throat cut. Angel’s old and resurrected enemy, Holtz manages to get his hands on the baby, but not before he is cornered by Angel and Wolfram and Hart. A porter is opened and Holtz leaps with the baby into a Hell dimension.
Life of the Party (2003): Lorne throws a Halloween party at Wolfram and Hart. As usual in the Buffyverse, weird things happen on Halloween. In this case, people unwittingly are forced to literally follow Lorne’s advice. He tells Fred and Wesley to loosen up, so they got drunk. Gunn stakes out his territory by peeing. Angel and Eve have sex. Spike and Harmony get down on the dance floor. Eventually, everything is righted and the employees claim they enjoyed the party.
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