Been a good year for Douche Bags…Here are the nominees for Douche Bag of the Year for 2011...
Casey Antony & other baby killers: There seemed to be an inordinate amount of people suspected of murdering their children. Casey Anthony became the poster child for this lot. In her case, another stupid jury decided to acquit as opposed to use common sense. The Anthony Jury’s infamy ranks with the O.J, Michael Jackson, and Robert Blake juries.
Charlie Sheen: ‘nuf said.
Herman Cain: Cain served as a lesson to those looking to run for presidency without really expecting to win.
Kim Kardashian: A total waste of space.
Barack Obama: Entering the fourth year of a failed presidency, Obama decides to attack Washington and engage in bigoted class warfare…even though he’s been part of the Washington establishment for a decade. He is no longer interested in governing.
Occupy Wall Street: A vacuous movement that has railed against capitalism and big banks. While most can sympathize with the attacks on banks, the movement has engaged in a number of crimes and vandalism leading to over 5000 arrests.
Justin Bieber: Is his 15 minutes up yet?
Donald Trump: The term media whore applies here.
Eric Holder: Holder sues Arizona while shipping guns to Mexican drug cartels. He absolves voter intimidation in 2008 while attacking states for trying to ensure people’s voting rights.
Ashton Kutcher: Not quite Charlie Sheen, but he did replace him on TV.
The NBA: Anyone notice the lockout?
The Philadelphia Eagles: They dubbed themselves the Dream team…hubris.
Pedophiles in sports: Penn State, Bill Conlin, & Syracuse all had their own scandals involving underage abuse.
Congress: Osama Bin Laden may be more popular than Congress.
and the winner: Casey Anthony
Former winners: Reality TV people (2009), LeBron James (2010)
Casey Antony & other baby killers: There seemed to be an inordinate amount of people suspected of murdering their children. Casey Anthony became the poster child for this lot. In her case, another stupid jury decided to acquit as opposed to use common sense. The Anthony Jury’s infamy ranks with the O.J, Michael Jackson, and Robert Blake juries.
Charlie Sheen: ‘nuf said.
Herman Cain: Cain served as a lesson to those looking to run for presidency without really expecting to win.
Kim Kardashian: A total waste of space.
Barack Obama: Entering the fourth year of a failed presidency, Obama decides to attack Washington and engage in bigoted class warfare…even though he’s been part of the Washington establishment for a decade. He is no longer interested in governing.
Occupy Wall Street: A vacuous movement that has railed against capitalism and big banks. While most can sympathize with the attacks on banks, the movement has engaged in a number of crimes and vandalism leading to over 5000 arrests.
Justin Bieber: Is his 15 minutes up yet?
Donald Trump: The term media whore applies here.
Eric Holder: Holder sues Arizona while shipping guns to Mexican drug cartels. He absolves voter intimidation in 2008 while attacking states for trying to ensure people’s voting rights.
Ashton Kutcher: Not quite Charlie Sheen, but he did replace him on TV.
The NBA: Anyone notice the lockout?
The Philadelphia Eagles: They dubbed themselves the Dream team…hubris.
Pedophiles in sports: Penn State, Bill Conlin, & Syracuse all had their own scandals involving underage abuse.
Congress: Osama Bin Laden may be more popular than Congress.
and the winner: Casey Anthony
Former winners: Reality TV people (2009), LeBron James (2010)