Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Greatest Movie Scenes #116-120

116. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan: Revenge of the Sith (2005): Steven Spielberg allegedly helped formulate the battles between Yoda and Palpatine and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. Anakin's transition from hero to villain is complete as he literally descends into hell.


117. Euthanized: Soylent Green (1973): The joys of Obamacare! Edward G. Robinson gets to commit suicide courtesy the government. As the Kevorkian-style drugs enter his veins, he watches video images of Bambi and grassy fields.

118. Punching out of a coffin: Kill Bill (2004): Mythbusters showed this was not possible, but it was a fun scene. The bride requesting water at the diner afterward is awesome.


119. Missing Breakfast: Falling Down (1993): Michael Douglas just misses breakfast at the local fast food establishment. He complains. They refuse to accommodate him. He pulls out an automatic weapon. Who hasn't wanted to do that? Later, he blows up a construction zone. So much for traffic.


120. Beatles on the Run: A Hard Day’s Night (1964): This is an iconic film moment and has been imitated several times. The most notable imitator was Austin Powers.


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