Quote of the Year: "No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they dorespect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find itsfulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.
-Anthony Kennedy in Obergefell v Hodges (2015)
Quote of the Year (runner up): "To me, especially in the Northeast, confronting my white privilege is going to the tanning salon."
-Katie Pavlich
Reality Check: "On the world stage, I think [Obama's accomplishments] have been minimal. But on the world stage, just to be objective about it, I can't think of many nations in the world where we have a better relationship now than when he took over."
-Jimmy Carter
And the rest...
"Congratulations to the president for turning a two year recession into a six year one."
-Kimberly Gilfoyle
“To state the obvious, the past six years have been really, really hard for this country.”
-Joe Biden
“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America."
-Rudy Giuliani
"Poor people have been voting Democratic for 50 years, and they're still poor."
-Charles Barkley
"What I dream is that for one election ... every black person in America vote Republican."
-Stephen A Smith
"Get over your temper tantrum, Mr. President."
-John McCain
"we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well."
-Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
"There is a liberal fascism that is dedicated to going after believing Christians who follow the biblical teaching on marriage."
-Ted Cruz
“If Sue loves Joe and Tom loves Joe, Sue can marry Joe but Tom cannot, why isn’t that a straightforward case of sexual discrimination?”
-John Roberts
“When will the media ask @BarackObama & @HillaryClinton key question for 2016- Knowing what we know now, would you still have abandoned Iraq?”
-Liz Cheney
"Let's be honest: Some black lives really don't matter. If you are a young black man shot in the head by another young black man, almost certainly no one will know your name. Al Sharpton won't come rushing to your family's side with cameras in tow. MSNBC won't discuss the significance of your death. No one will protest, or even riot, for you. You are a statistic, not a cause. Just another dead black kid, politically useless to progressives and the media, therefore all but invisible."
-Rich Lowry
"I won't be the youngest president, but with your help I'll be the youngest female president."
-Hillary Clinton
"Racism, we are not cured of it. And it's not just a matter of it not being
polite to say [n-word] in public."
-Barack Obama
“We should start calling this law SCOTUScare."
-Antonin Scalia on King v Burwell (2015)
"The Iran deal will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”
-Mike Huckabee
"What a stunning historic mistake!"
-Benjamin Netanyahu on the Iran nuclear deal
"What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?"
-Chris Matthews
“She counts on the fact that people are uninformed. The Alinsky model, taking advantage of useful idiots.”
-Ben Carson
“I think God has blessed us, he’s blessed the Republican Party with some very good candidates. The Democrats can’t even find one.”
-Marco Rubio
"The darkness from a decade ago has lifted, the Crescent City has risen again, and its best days lie ahead."
-George W Bush
“We don’t need an apprentice in the White House. We have one right now.”
-Scott Walker
"LGBT community (GGGG) are like the gay white KKK's. Get them some pink hoods and unicorns and let them rally down rodeo drive."
-Azealia Banks
"If you vote to send billions of dollars to jihadists who have pledged to bear direct responsibility to murder Americans, then you bear direct responsibility for the murders carried out with the dollars you have given them. You cannot wash your hands of that blood."
-Ted Cruz on the Iran deal
“Seventy years after the murder of 6 million Jews, Iran’s rulers promise to destroy my country, murder my people, and the response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing. Utter silence. Deafening silence.” .
-Benjamin Netanyahu
"We Live in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter"
-Charles Krauthammer
“I never took a position on Keystone until I took a position on Keystone.”
- Hillary Clinton
“You can tell the Egyptian prime minister it’s a terrorist attack, but you can’t tell your own people?”
-Jim Jordan to Hillary Clinton
"I’ve got a lot of really cool things I could do other than sit around, being miserable, listening to people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. That is a joke. Elect Trump if you want that."
-Jeb Bush
"Hillary is running for a lot of reasons—one of ‘em is because she wants to stay out of jail."
-Donald Trump
"Why can't we take out these bastards?"
-Reporter to Obama
"She's killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity."
-Donald Trump on Hillary
"This president won't be the same feckless weakling that we have in the Oval Office right now."
-Chris Christie
"Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE'S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate."
-Donald Trump
“She was favored to win and she got schlonged."
-Donald Trump