Sunday, May 20, 2012

Star Trek Timeline: 24th Century part II

2351: Terok Nor completed (Deep Space Nine)

2353: Tholians destroy a Starbase with only one survivor.

2354: Last contact with the Raven on its mission to study the Borg (bad idea).

2355: The Picard maneuver is used at The Battle of Maxia

2357: Talarian attack on Galen IV

2357: Gallitep labor camp liberated on Bajor

2358: Pegasus assumed destroyed in a test of a Federation cloaking device

2360: Gul Dukat assumes command of Terok Nor

2362: Setlik III Massacre: Cardassians destroy Federation colony setting off Cardassian border wars.

2363: USS Enterprise-D commissioned

2364: First Contact with Q, Ferengi, and others

2364: Lore discovered

2364: Neural parasites attempt to conquer the Federation

2364: Several Romulan and Federation outposts along the Neutral Zone are destroyed

2365: Official First Contact with the Borg

2366: Duras discovered to be a Klingon traitor, but Worf covers for the good of the Empire

2366: Wolf 359: First Borg invasion

2367: Borg cube destroyed above Earth

2367: Klingon Civil War

2368: The Klingon Civil War ends when Romulan influence is discovered

2368: Ambassador Spock goes to Romulus seeking reunification

2368: Sarek of Vulcan dies

2369: Bajoran Wormhole discovered

2369: Montgomery Scott found alive and well. He goes on to head the Starfleet Corps of Engineers

2369: Cardassian occupation of Bajor ends. Federation establishes a presence at Deep Space Nine. Ben Sisko is assigned the command

2369: Jean Luc Picard taken hostage by the Cardassians and is tortured

2370: Lore leads a group of renegade Borg. He is defeated by Data and other Borg.

2370: Pegasus discovered.

2370: The Maquis forms to combat the Federation-Cardassian treaty

2370: The Dominion destroy USS Odyssey because they can.

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