Monday, May 7, 2012

Star Trek Timeline: 22nd Century Part 2

2151: Enterprise NX-01 launches leading to Earth’s increased influence in the Alpha Quadrant

2151: First Contact between humans and Klingons, Andorians, and several other species.

2151: The P’Jem Incident

2151: Terra Nova colony discovered alive and living underground

2152: First contact with Romulans and other species

2153: Wreckage of a Borg sphere is found at North Pole

2153: Xindi attack Earth

2153: Xindi Crisis ends

2154: Syrannites overthrow Romulan controlled Vulcan government ushering in a Renaissance

2154: Babel Crisis

2155: Coalition of Planets forms

2155: Augment Crisis

2155: Vulcan Awakening begins

2155: Romulan drone ship wrecks havoc in the quadrant

2155: Klingon Augment crisis

2155: Terra Prime Incident

2155: Coridan is devastated by a Romulan attack and withdraws from Coalition

2156-61: Romulan War

2156: Romulans attack the Columbia NX-02 and the vessel is presumed lost.

2156: Redjac kills 10 at Heliopolis on Alpha Eridani II

2160: The Battle of Cheron ends the Romulan War

2161: The Federation is born

2161: Starfleet Academy incorporated

2165: Sarek is born

2167: The USS Archon visits Landru’s planet and is lost

2169: Jonathan Archer becomes Federation ambassador to Andoria

2175: Jonathan Archer becomes a member of the Federation Council

2184: Jonathan Archer elected Federation President (he steps down in 2192)

2195: Robert April is born

2196: Starfleet retires the Daedalus class

Late 22nd century: Money becomes obsolete

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