Sunday, May 6, 2012

Star Trek Timeline: 22nd Century part I

Sometime during this century, the First Hebitian Burial Vaults are opened and plundered by impoverished Cardassians

2103: Martian colonies established

2103: Degra is born

2104: Andorians make contact with Aenar

2105: Eight women killed by Redjac

2112: Jonathan Archer is born

2113: War, poverty, and disease eliminated on Earth

2113: United Earth government forms

2119: Zefram Cochrane opens the Warp Five complex and then disappears until found by James T Kirk 148 years later.

2121: Charles Tucker III is born

2122: T’Pau is born

2126: Travis Mayweather is born

2129: Hoshi Sato is born

2137: Syrran discovers Surak’s katra (later destroyed in a Romulan attack)

2143: NX Program breaks Warp 2 barrier

2144: Warp 3 barrier is broken

2150: The last nation, Australia, joins United Earth

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