Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Star Trek Timeline: 24th Century Part I

2305: Jean Luc Picard is born

2309: Joseph Sisko is born

2311: Enterprise-B involved in The Tomed Incident. Romulans break contact for 50 years.

2311: Treaty of Algeron bans Federation use of cloaking technology

2312: Warp calculations changed. Warp 10 becomes top speed.

2318: Cardassian Occupation of Bajor begins

2319: Mark Jameson trades arms for hostages on Mordan IV leading to a 40-year civil war

2320: Dr. Lewis Zimmerman is born

2320: Christopher Pike dies on Talos IV

2321: Boothby begins career as groundskeeper at Star Fleet Academy

2324: Beverly Howard (Crusher) is born

2327: Picard graduates from Academy

2328: Miles O’Brien is born

2329: Star Fleet begins using isolinear chips

2329: Chakotay is born

2332: Ben Sisko is born

2333: Picard becomes C.O. of the USS Stargazer

2335: William Riker is born

2335: Geordi La Forge is born

2335: Lore is activated

2336: Data is activated

2336: The Crystalline Entity destroys Omicron Theta

2336: Deanna Troi is born

2337: Tasha Yar is born

2337: Odo is found adrift in space

2338: Data is discovered on Omicron Theta

2340: Worf is born

2340: Ro Laren is born

2340: Reg Barclay is born

2341: Jadzia is born

2341: Julian Bashir is born

2343: Kira Nerys is born

2344: Battle of Narenda III: USS Enterprise-C is destroyed defending a Klingon colony from a Romulan attack

2344: Kathryn Janeway is born

2345: Sela is born

2346: Khitomir Massacre: Romulans massacre Klingon outpost. Worf survives.

2348: Wesley Crusher is born

2348: Julian Bashir’s DNA is illegally resequenced

2349: Harry Kim is born

2349: B’Elanna Torres is born

2350: Annika Hansen (Seven of Nine) is born

2350: A group of Native Americans decide to colonize a world on the Klingon border

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