Monday, May 14, 2012

Star Trek Timeline: 23rd Century part III

2271: Enterprise refit begins
2271: Klingons attack the Romulans at the Battle of Klach D’Kel Brakt
2273: V’Ger Incident
2278: Enterprise ends another five year mission; Kirk retires from Starfleet
2278: USS Bozeman disappears near the Typhon Expanse
2284: Kirk returns to Starfleet
2285: Genesis Crisis
2285: Admiral Kirk steals the Enterprise to rescue Captain Spock and encounters Klingon renegades
2285: Dax symbiont merges with Curzon
2286: Whale Probe Crisis
2286: Kirk and crew are put on trial for hijacking the Enterprise. All charges but one are dropped. Kirk is demoted to captain and given command of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A
2286: Transwarp experiments end in failure
2287: Sybok hijacks the Enterprise to travel through the Great Barrier in an effort to find God.
2290: Three Klingon battle cruisers are sent to capture the Albino. They destroy his base, but the Albino slowly murders the first born sons of each of the captains (Kor, Koloth, and Kang).
2292: Klingons and Romulans become blood enemies
2293: Klingon moon Praxis explodes
2293: Klingon Chancellor Gorkon is assassinated
2293: Khitomir Conference
2293: Starfleet opens a classified database on the Borg after rescuing El Aurian refugees
2293: James T Kirk believed killed on maiden voyage of USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B
2294: USS Jenolan crashes into a Dyson sphere trapping Montgomery Scott for decades

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