Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Voted For It Before I Voted Against It...

George W Bush had the most successful legislative term since the 1960s. After leading the country through 911, passing several high profile bills, and overthrowing a bloodthirsty dictator in Iraq, Bush was easily renominated. The Democrats had to scramble to pick a nominee.
Early on, Howard Dean led the Democratic field. He was able to direct leftbot rage about the 2000 election and the Iraq War to take the lead. However, he made an error and screamed during one of his speeches and came off like just another left wing nut. The Democrats had no idea whom to turn to. So, for no apparent reason, they chose John Kerry. Kerry came across like Thurston Howell III from Gilligan’s Island and made several gaffes.
The Republicans labeled Kerry a “Massachusetts liberal.” Kerry’s liberal voting record hurt him and made him look like weak. Once Kerry selected pretty boy Senator John Edwards for his running mate, the GOP called them “the ambiguously gay duo.” Again reinforcing Kerry as something less than safe. Additionally, he told a crowd he voted for war funding before voting against it. That finished Kerry. The Bush campaign hammered him. When Kerry went windsurfing, it became an ad about flip flopping.
Kerry’s big advantage was his service in Vietnam. This became a liability when several of his comrades attacked him. During the war, Kerry accused American troops of atrocities and hung out with Hanoi Jane Fonda. Anti-Kerry vets became known as “Swift Boat Veterans” after the vehicle they used in Vietnam. Attacking a candidate with truthful allegations has become known as “Swift boating” by the left. The term is meant to denigrate accusations made against candidates, but in reality the swift boaters simply used Kerry’s words and actions against him.
Despite what many on the left hoped and believed, Kerry had little chance. Bush won. Voters felt Kerry was too liberal and too scary to elect. Bush was a known commodity and had a solid record. Bush’s second term would be rudderless and unsuccessful until his final year in office. Kerry would return to the senate and whine about the 2004 campaign.

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