Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sci Fi History: The multiverse is born: Flash discovers Earth 2 (1961)

A pair of physics students once approached Albert Einstein with their theory of a multiverse. Einstein blew them off. He thought the idea of alternate universes absurd. In the 21st century, many respected scientists advocate the idea as plausible and even probable. In 1961, DC Comics used the idea to explain discrepancies in continuity. The Flash vibrated into an alternate universe. The Flash #123 explains the theory of the multiverse in some detail. A few years later, Star Trek covered the idea in “Mirror Mirror” and “The Tholian Web.” In 1995, the television series, Sliders, devoted itself to the topic. J.J. Abrams loves the idea and incorporated it into Fringe and the Star Trek reboot. The multiverse allows every conceivable possibility to occur. So, in one universe, Donald Trump is president. In another, he is a pauper. DC Comics has used the idea to reset its universe more than once. The Flash introduced the concept into popular culture over 50 years ago.

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