Thursday, July 4, 2013

Beverly Crusher: Star Trek Timeline

Born: October 13, 2324 (maiden name Howard)

2328: Her parents died when she was very young. Beverly was raised by her grandmother.

2342-50: Starfleet Academy (Likely SF Medical as well)

2347: Married Jack Crusher

2348: Son, Wesley, is born

2350: Graduated SF Academy

Early 2350s: Served on Stargazer (conjecture)

2352: Interned on Delos IV

2354: Jack died

2354: CMO Starbase 32

2354-60: Private Practice

2362: Promoted to commander

2364: Assigned to USS Enterprise-D

2364: Modified Leonard McCoy’s polywater intoxication remedy to rescue crew

2364: Cured disease on Quazulu VIII

2365: Head of SF Medical

2366: Returned to Enterprise

2366: Kidnapped by terrorists

2367: Removed Borg implants from Picard

2367: Caught in a warp bubble, but escaped

2367: Helped deliver a large space lifeform

2367: Cured Tarchannen III Syndrome

2368: Travelled to 19th century to help stop Devidians from preying on humans

2368: Helped Worf walk again using experimental procedure

2369: Sent on secret mission to spy on Cardassians; Picard is captured

2369: Discovered ancient message from humanoids that spread DNA throughout the galaxy

2370: Unleashed Barclay’s Protomorphosis Syndrome

2370: Assumed command during Lore-Borg Crisis

2370: Attended her grandmother’s funeral on Arvada III. She encountered an alien that controlled the Howard women.

2371: Enterprise destroyed

2372: Assigned to USS Enterprise-E

2375: Ba’ku incident

2379: Shinzon Incident on Romulus

2379: Head Starfleet Medical

2380: Borg Incident

2380: Married Picard

2381: Borg attempts to destroy Federation; stopped and assimilated by Caeliar

2382: Son born

2387: Romulus explodes

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