Sunday, February 21, 2010

Previous Winners: Men of the Decade (1900-1999)

1900s- Albert Einstein: Something about relativity...

1910s- Henry Ford: Assembly line and $5 day set up the 20th century.

1920s- Babe Ruth: People had disposable income for the first time and spent it on sports.

1930s- Mohandas Gandhi: The Salt March and non-violent protest inspired MLK and helped India gain independence in 1948.

1940s- Franklin D. Roosevelt: Turned the weight of American power on the Germans and Japanese militarists. Essentially saved the western civilization.

1950s- Laika: First dog in space. I like dogs.

1960s- Apollo 11: We really need to return to the moon and set up colonies before the Earth becomes too populated.

1970s- No one!: What a crap ass decade this was.

1980s- Ronald Reagan: Bed time for Communism.

1990s- Steve Yzerman: The decade was a "holiday from history." Steve led the Wings to two Stanley Cups (1997-1998) and broke the curse.

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