Sunday, November 22, 2009

Movie Scenes: #81-85

81. I’m Your Father: The Empire Strikes Back (1980): This has become rather iconic. At the time, shocking. It had the whole country talking.

82. Make my day: Sudden Impact (1983): We need more Dirty Harrys in the world.

83. Truck chases bike: Terminator 2 (1991): It captured the feeling of a mouse being chased by a mountain lion.

84. Blowing up the roof: Die Hard (1988): Three parts to this. 1. John McClane (Bruce Willis) jumps off the roof of a skyscraper. 2. He is tethered by a fire hose and has to shoot a window open to avoid being dragged down to the pavement. 3. He swings in and then is dragged toward the window. He is able to untie himself, but has to contend with the broken glass without shoes.

85. Say hello to my little friend: Scarface (1983): Nothing like the drug trade. Another iconic 80s scene. Al Pacino is besieged by assassins. He decides to go out in style.

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