Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Does Obama Do??

He's been in office for 60 days or so and all he has accomplished is tripling the debt and play celebrity. Is he President or is he Lindsey Lohan?

So far, Obama is not like any Crisis President in history. However, he is a bit like the Roman Emperor Nero. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Historians will say Obama twittered while Rome burned.

Here's the recap:

-He attacked Rush Limbaugh

-He appeared on Jay Leno

-He approved the AIG bonuses and then decided it was a bad idea

-He spent a day with Sportscenter explaining his NCAA Brackets

-He piped in on Jessica Simpson's weight

-He finalized a book deal

-He laughed at us all on 60 Minutes

What's left for Obama to do?

-Appear on Dancing With The Stars

-Serve as a lifeline on Millionaire

-Become a contestant on American Idol

-Learn how to speak without a teleprompter (Obama without a teleprompter makes Bush look like Einstein).

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