Monday, December 21, 2015

Douche Bags of 2015

Here are the greatest Douche Bags of 2015.

Black Lives Matter: All lives matter you jack offs.

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake: Stand down? Sure let them riot.

Donald Trump: Where to begin...

Rachel Dolezal: You are white sweetie.

Barack Obama: The Father of Isis will become the Father of the Iranian Nuclear Bomb.

Bruce Jenner: You are a boy dude. XY chromosome means you are a boy. You are also an attention whore.

The Duggars: Hypocrites.

The Affluenza Teen: Grow up.

Martin Shkreli: Karma is a bitch.

The Kardashians: Turning Lamar Odom's hospitalization into a PR opportunity is a new low.

Jared Fogel: Enough said.

And the winners: The Kardashians and Jared Fogel

Previous Winners: Bill Cosby (2014), Barack Obama (2013), Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno, Penn State (2012), Casey Anthony (2011), LeBron James (2010), and Reality TV Stars (2009)

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