Thursday, April 26, 2012

Star Trek Timeline: 11th-19th centuries

1000: Vikings land in North America

1095: First Crusade

11th century: Life on Zetar wiped out by war

12th century: Sphere Builders build their spheres

12th century: Kulkulkan visits Aztecs

1154: Andorians become warp capable

13th century: Conquests of Genghis Khan

14th century: Ventaxian civilization makes deal with the devil

14th century: The Kataan’s sun goes supernova. They create a probe to ensure the preservation of their culture.

14th century: Qo’nos is attacked by the Hur’q. The Sword of Kahless and other artifacts are plundered.

14th century: Stratos is built

1334-1350: Black Death sweeps Earth

1401: Beginning of Renaissance

1492: Columbus discovers America

1519: Captain Erika Hernandez and three officers from the USS Columbia arrive in the Caelar city. Hernandez later undergoes a procedure and lives into the 24th century. The other three die in the 16th century.

16th century: Bajorans build solar space ships

16th century: Beginning of Klingon dark ages

1588: Spanish Armada

1666: Newton devises his laws

1680: Pueblo Uprising (Jean Luc Picard’s ancestor takes part)

1691: Salem Witch Trials force the Megas-Tu to leave Salem.

18th century: Denevan neural parasites wipe out Beta Portolan

1767: Eminiar and Vendikar begin a war completely fought by computer with casualties calculated leading to mass murder. The war ends in the 23rd century.

1776: Declaration of Independence

1789: French Revolution begins

1799: Napoleon seizes power in France

19th century: Cardassian Union and Detapa Council formed

1805: A Picard fights at Trafalgar

1815: Waterloo ends Napoleon’s reign

1821: Onaya kills writer John Keats

1836: Battle of the Alamo

1850: Suliban world becomes uninhabitable leading to a mass exodus

1850s: Vulcans finally rebuild their world after the great wars and Awakening. They return to interstellar travel

1860s: Humans are abducted and forced into slavery by the Skagarans.

1864: Quinn saves Thaddius Riker’s life at the Battle of Pine Mountain.

1881: Gunfight at the OK Corral

1888-91: Redjac strikes London killing 17 women

1893: Shapeshifters from Devidia II use a cholera outbreak to kill humans and consume their neural energy. They are stopped by Enterprise-E, Guinan, and Mark Twain.

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