Monday, January 3, 2011

Quotes of the Month: December 2010

Quote of the Month: "I haven't died. I'm drinking a beer and eating fried chicken."

-Yao Ming

and the rest...

“NASA has found a new form of life? Neat. Call me when it's got heat vision, wears blue pajamas, and flies.”


"'When you win, say little. When you lose, say less."

-Tom Brady

“If I'm going to be honest with you, I was angry about it."

-Derek Jeter on negotiations with the Yankees

"I'm not interested in being a dead f--king hero…so forget 'em, forget 'em."

-John Lennon

“Coincidence that Julian Assange looks a lot like "Jigsaw" from the Saw movies?”

-S.E. Cupp

“I thought ‘what the heck have I done?’”

-Hal Smith on his 3-run Homer in Game 7 of the 1960 World Series

"Experts built the Titanic. Amateurs built the Ark."


"They're in the halls of Congress everywhere, and it means, for example, that you sit on a committee and you say something about concern about Chinese influence or something, you don't even know if in the next election, somehow or another, they manage to send some money to some group that now doesn't even have to say where they got it."

-Carol Shea-Porter on Chinese influence in Congress

"We've become a nation of wusses.”

-Ed Rendell

“If it exists, why not put it out?”

-Chris Mathews on Obama’s birth certificate

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