Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Greatest Albums of the 1960s

At first, I thought I'd do a little write-up on these. However, rock albums have been so overanalyzed over the years, I thought it'd be redundant. Readers should check them out rather than taking a critic's or a fan's opinion! So, here are my picks for the Top 10 Albums of the Sixties:

1. Sgt Peppers- The Beatles (1967)

2. Pet Sounds- The Beach Boys (1966)

3. Revolver- The Beatles (1966)

4. Tommy- The Who (1969)

5. Highway 61 Revisited- Bob Dylan (1965)

6. Blonde on Blonde- Bob Dylan (1966)

7. Abbey Road- The Beatles (1969)

8. White Album- The Beatles (1968)

9. The Doors- The Doors (1967)

10. Let it Bleed- The Rolling Stones (1969)

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