Sunday, June 14, 2009

Presidents and War Service

Revolutionary War

George Washington
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson

War of 1812

James Madison (as President)
James Monroe (as Secretaries of War and State)
Andrew Jackson
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler (Militia Service; saw no action)
James Buchanan

Mexican War

Zachary Taylor
Franklin Pierce
U.S. Grant

Civil War

Millard Fillmore (after his presidency; Major in Buffalo militia home guard; saw no action)
Andrew Johnson (military governor of Tennessee)
U.S. Grant
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Garfield
Chester Arthur
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley

Spanish American War

Theodore Roosevelt

World War I

Harry Truman
Dwight Eisenhower (saw no action)

World War II

Dwight Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan (saw no action)
George H.W. Bush


Jimmy Carter (US Navy)


George W. Bush (Reserves; no action)

Gulf War I, Gulf II, Afghanistan, War on Terror

None yet

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