Thursday, June 4, 2009

Most Liberal Movies of All Time

They are in chronological order and it consists of movies I have seen...

The Conservative List will be unveiled next week...

12 Angry Men (1957)

Henry Fonda is a defense attorney’s dream juror. Watching this movie is enough to make one believe there is reasonable doubt in the Lincoln assassination. The most unbelievable scene centered around a knife. What are the odds that middle aged lily white Fonda would be carrying the same type of switchblade as a brother from the hood?

Dr. Strangelove (1964)

This is one funny movie. It spoofs nuclear holocaust, the Cold War, and makes poignant use of American-Nazi ties following World War II. There is too much in this movie to analyze for a short post. Also, it has one of my favorite movie lines (uttered by George C. Scott): “We must not allow a mine shaft gap!” 10 girls for every boy is enough to make one long for the apocalypse.

The China Syndrome (1979)

A nuclear power plant has some issues, the folks in charge cover it up, and the plant has a meltdown. The movie implies the company was more than willing to kill to keep their profit margin. In the liberal universe, corporate America kills. In the conservative universe, the government kills.

Reds (1981)

Communists are harmless. A revolution is a big old party! It’s exciting. It’s an adventure. At points, it’s downright sappy. They do eventually get to the harsh realities of the Revolution, but by then the audience is ready for revolution. Workers Unite!

Wall Street (1987)

Greed is good. Greed is excess. Wall Streeters have no morals. This movie demonstrates the typical left wing view of the 1980s in particular and in Corporate America in general.

Dances With Wolves (1990)

Kevin Costner goes Native American. The most PC movie ever made! No doubt, liberals watching Dances with Wolves today will make connections between the aggressive interrogations in the film with the Bush Administration. Since the film is set in 1863, Lincoln must be held accountable for the abuse of Kevin Costner and all Native peoples.

Waterworld (1995)

Global warming melts the ice caps and all the bad guys are smokers.

Independence Day (1996)

The writers decided to throw in a message about diversity in the film. They made sure they had one of everything (white man, rich white woman, poor black woman, black man, gay man, Jewish man, old man, young man, dog, etc. etc.) It became annoying. Interestingly, at the time of the film, audiences cheered when the White House was blown up.

Bulworth (1998)

This is one of the worst films ever made. Forget about the liberal message. Warren Beatty: Ghetto Superstar?!?

Fahrenheit 911 (2004)

Iraqis playing with Kites and living well under Saddam. Americans living like Darfur refugees. Bush-Bin Laden are in bed together. One of the most interesting works of fiction in years! Unfortunately, there are enough stupid people in the world for Michael Moore to fool.

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