Friday, December 12, 2008

Bush: Year 2 (2002)

Year two was dominated by the War on Terror. In January, Bush made the now infamous "Axis of Evil" speech. He tied Iran, Iraq, and North Korea together in the same fashion as Italy, Germany, and Japan during World War II. He was trying to be bold and Reaganesque. It was Bush's attempt at an "Evil Empire" speech. The problem was Iran and Iraq hated each other. There may be some connection between Iran and North Korea though.

The Bush Administration opened the Gitmo Detention Facility. Human Rights groups and liberals complained. However, where were these people to go? When the facility closes, where will the bad guys go? Originally, they were going to go through military tribunals. There is precedent for this. Nazis captured in the US had military tribunals. The courts have since ruled that they have constitutional rights. So, Bush has kept the nation safe. However, the courts overruled some of his methods.

Bush also opened the Department of Homeland Security. This was a pet project of Senator Joe Lieberman. Conservatives have talked about closing departments and downsizing government. Yet, Bush created a new cabinet department. On the downside, it creates a new bureaucracy and expands government. On the plus side, it should lessen interdepartmental squabbles and ease information sharing.

In other foreign policy matters, Bush withdrew from the ABM Treaty. The treaty goes back to 1972. The main sticking point was missile defense. This was a bit silly. The missile defense system could end up the American Maginot Line. Massive missile strikes or suitcase nukes render the system null.

Lastly, Worldcom went bankrupt. Again, mismanagement and Clinton era corruption at Worldcom and in the government led to this.

Year 2 was mixed. Withdrawing from the missile treaty was wrong. The Department of Homeland Security was not needed. Although, there was a need to end interdepartmental squabbles and increase information sharing. Gitmo kept bad guys out of the field, but made the US look bad. The Axis of Evil Speech was a bit silly.

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