Friday, December 12, 2008

Bush in Review: Afghanistan

One major event in 2001 was the invasion of Afghanistan and Fall of the Taliban. The Taliban are a modern day Islamic Nazi political/religious group. They committed many atrocities across Afghanistan. The U.S. overthrew them. They literally ran to the hills. Unfortunately, many Taliban and El Queda members escaped. Osama Bin Laden himself escaped heavy bombardment at the Battle of Tora Bora. On the plus side, the US and NATO overthrew a barbaric regime. On the other hand, many of them escaped.

In 2003, a counterinsurgency began. A stalemate has developed. However, there are some positives to report. Afghanistan has held free elections and will probably continue to do so. Also, some Taliban groups have opened negotiations to end hostilities.

The War in Iraq has pushed Afghanistan to the sidelines. However, with Iraq apparently winding down, Afghanistan should start moving back to the front burner.

As a side note, 911 was the first time the NATO charter had ever been invoked to defend a member nation.

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