Saturday, October 11, 2014

High Middle Ages timeline (1001-1300)

1025: Basil II died

1040: Moveable Type created

1049-54: Pope Leo IX

1066: Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest

1071: Battle of Manzikert

1073-85: Gregorian Reformation

1075-1122: Investiture Controversy

1095: Urban II declares the First Crusade

1096-99: The First Crusade

12th century: Revolution in thought, Rise of Universities, and Monks deemphasize learning

1120: Knights Templar form

1152-90: Frederick Barbarossa

1154-97: Hohenstaafen family vs. Italy

1170: Thomas Becket murdered

1176: Myriocephalam

1187: Battle of Hattin

1187: Saladin takes Jerusalem

1190-92: Third Crusade

1204: Capetian ascendancy

1204: Crusaders sack Constantinople

1206-1337: Mongol Invasions

1214: Battle of the Bouvines

1215: Fourth Lateran Council

1215: Jews marginalized by Fourth Lateran Council

1215: Magna Carta

1229: Inquisition established

1250: Frederick II dies

1260: Battle of Ain Jolut

1261: Greeks retake Byzantine Empire

1265: First English Parliament

1274: Samma Theologica (Thomas Aquinas)

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