Monday, September 9, 2013

Benjamin Sisko timeline

Born: 2332

2350: Enrolled in Starfleet Academy

2353: Became captain of the wrestling team

2354: Graduated

2354: Met his wife, Jennifer

2354: Served on USS Lexington

2355: Son, Jake, is born

2360s: USS Okinawa: First as Chief Engineer and then First Officer

2360s: served in Tzenkethi War

2366: First Officer on USS Saratoga

2366: Battle of Wolf 359. Jennifer Sisko is killed. Saratoga destroyed in battle with Borg.

2366-9: Served at Utopia Planitia Shipyards where he worked on the Defiant prototype

2369-75: Commanding Officer Deep Space Nine

2369: Discovers Bajoran Wormhole

2369: Encounters the Prophets for the first time

2369: Stops the “Circle” terror group (who had ties with Cardassia)

2370: Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370

2370: The Maquis forms; Sisko battles them on and off for three years. They are destroyed by the J’em Hadar

2370: First Contact with The Dominion; Defiant assigned to DS9

2371: Promoted to Captain

2372: Coup on Cardassia

2372: Refuses Klingon Chancellor Gowron’s call for an invasion of Cardassia. Gowron withdraws from Khitomer Accords

2372: Sisko and Odo foil a Starfleet coup attempt

2373-5: Dominon War

2373-4: Captain of USS Defiant

2373: Dominon win Battle of Deep Space Nine and capture the station

2374: Promoted to Adjutant to Admiral William Ross

2374: Recaptures DS9 and captures Gul Dukat

2374: Teams with Garak to bring Romulans into the Dominion War

2374: Wins the First Battle of Chin’toka; Dukat closes the wormhole and kills Jadzia Dax

2374-5: Sisko goes on leave to New Orleans to mourn

2375: Breen enter the war, Defiant destroyed at Second Battle of Chin’toka

2375: Wins the Battle of Cardassia and ends the Dominion War

2375: Marries Kasidy Yates; she becomes pregnant

2375: Defeats Dukat in the fire caves; leaves for the Celestial Temple

2376: Returns from the temple for his daughter, Rebecca Jae’s, birth

2376: Sisko turns down the admiralty and goes on extended leave

2381: Borg Invasion; Sisko returns to Starfleet

2381: Captain of USS New York

2381-present: Captain of USS Robinson

2382: Filed for divorce, but it was never finalized.

2383: DS9 Destroyed by Typhon Pact

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