Tuesday, December 14, 2010

History Shorts: The Battle of Marathon (490 B.C.)

Around 500 B.C., Ionia revolted against Persian rule. Greece helped the rebels which angered the highly aggressive Persians. The Persian King Darius reestablished control over the rebellious city states and then launched a punitive expedition against Greece. In 490 B.C., Athens defeated the Persians at Marathon. Darius retreated back to Asia with his tail between his legs ending the first Persian invasion. Following the failure, Darius faced an Egyptian revolt which prevented a second invasion during his lifetime. The Battle of Marathon proved the Greeks could not only stand up to the powerful Persian Empire, but defeat it. Had the Greeks failed, western history would have been dramatically different. Classical Greece would never have developed to inspire and shape European history. Following the victory, a messenger raced from Marathon to Athens to deliver word of the victory. The run inspired the modern marathon.

The Battle of Marathon (from Battles B.C.):


The 1979 Boston Marathon (The modern marathon was inspired by the battle):


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are an expert in this field, you really got some great points there, thanks.

- Robson