Sunday, September 27, 2009

Greatest Movie Scenes: Bill Murray Edition

131. Space is a disease: Star Trek (2009): McCoy meets Kirk for the first time. All I know is I do not ever want to catch Andorian Shingles.

132. The Dark Knight: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975): I'll bite your leg off!

133. Bill Murray vs. Gopher: Caddyshack (1980): Nothing like mass destruction on a gulf course.

134. Whistle Dixie: The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976): Three blue coats run into Josey Wales, they don't want to face him, so Wales (Clint Eastwood) asks them if they were going to "pull their pistols or whistle Dixie?"

135. Stay Puft Marshmellow Man: Ghostbusters (1984): When the Ghostbusters were given the choice to choose their own doom...Ray (Dan Akroyd) remembered the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man.

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