Monday, May 18, 2009

Assorted Ramblings

Item: Protesters meet Barack Obama at Notre Dame

Thoughts: First, the Tea Parties and now this? Conservative protesters strike twice in one year? These are two different groups of conservatives. The Tea Protesters were concerned about ridiculous spending and high taxation. Notre Dame was a social conservative event. Either way, something might be afoot and it's at the grass roots level. This is not a top down movement right now. If Conservatives are protesting, are the 60s not far behind?

Item: Nancy Pelosi has been lying about the CIA.

Thoughts: She is in deep trouble. First, she has po'd the bureaucrats, and they protect their own. Second, her speakership is in danger. Third, this could distract the congress for months. Last, her resignation would be the best thing for the country. She's too loony to be speaker.

Item: Dick Cheney won't go away.

Thoughts: If the GOP was able to get a message out, he could retire!

Item: My house has lost $100,000 in value.

Thoughts: ouch!

Item: Star Trek made lots of money at the box office.

Thoughts: Amazing what hype can do. In one weekend, this film doubled the entire take for the last film. That one did not have the ad campaign and was up against Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

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